IRTS RADIO NEWS BULLETIN Sunday April 14th 1996 VHF Field Day Results South Dublin Radio Club, EI2SDR/P operating from their usual site on Kippure, were the runaway winners of the open section of the 1995 VHF/UHF Field Day held over the first weekend in July. They set a record score of 8,699 points, one that will probably stand for many years. Conditions were the best that anyone remembered for Field Day and SDR operated on three bands, with bonus points on both 432 and 1296 MHz. Congratulations to the South Dublin team who will collect the Thomond Tropy at the AGM in Ballsbridge. The team was EI2DNB, EI3IA, EI3GV, EI7GY, EI7HT, EI9HW and EI9HZ. Runners-up were the East Cork Group EI7M who travelled to Slieve Bui in County Wexford for the event. Congratuations also to the Cork Radio Club EI5CRC/P winners of the restricted section from Bweing Mountain in County Cork. The team was as usual, EI2HY, EI2IB and EI6ETB. ________________________________ IRTS 2 Metres Counties Contest Excellent weather conditions and better than average propagation conditions contributed to a very successful 2 Metres Counties Contest last Sunday afternoon. All the regular participants seem to have improved scores and new records seem likely. Thanks to all who participated, especially those hardy individuals who took the trouble to get to elevated sites. All logs should be sent to the Contest Manager, Paul O'Kane EI5DI at QTHR. ________________________________ GI Packet Working Group The GI-Packet Working Group will hold an OPEN MEETING in the Cohannon Inn, which is near Dungannon, on Tuesday next 16th April at 8.00 p.m. Anyone involved in packet radio or interested in getting involved is invited to attend. Further details may be had from Hugh, GI3TLT QTHR, Telephone:- 012477-38756. _______________________________ Enniskillen Rally Next Sunday will see the usual pilgrimage North, as many EI amateurs head to Enniskillen for the annual rally promoted by the Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club. This is one of the best rallies on the island, held in excellent surroundings and is well worth a visit. ________________________________ International Marconi Day The 9th International Marconi Day will be held over 24 hours on Saturday next April 20th. The event is run by the Cornish Amateur Radio Club and there will be up to forty special event stations on the air world wide. There are seven different award categories available this year as follows: 1. Transmitting amateur, mixed modes, work 15 stations. 2. Transmitting amateur, mixed modes, mobile, work 12 stations. 3. Transmitting amateur, CW only, work 15 stations. 4. Transmitting amateur, digital modes, work 15 stations. 5. Transmitting amateur, mixed modes, multi operator, work 20 stations. Also available for CW only or Digital only. 6. Shortwave Listeners, Log 15 station, mixed modes. 7. Shortwave listeners, Log 10 stations, CW only. The following five EI stations with their contact persons are listed as taking part: EI5IMD - EI2HY,Cork; EI6YXQ - EI6AH, Ballybunion; EI3IMD - EI2GS,Dublin; EI4JAM - EI4DJB, Dublin and EI4IMD - EI4FT,Clifden. Claims for the awards should be a log extract and should be sent to Sue Thomas G0PGX, Cornish Radio Amateur Club, P.O. Box 100, Truro, Cornwall TR1 1RX. The cost for each award is 10 US Dollars, four pounds sterling or 12 IRCs. ________________________________ New Galway Packet Bulletin Board The new Galway Packet Bulletin Board is now operational on 144.600 MHz, 1200 baud. The callsign of the BBS is EI4GRC and users who can't hear the BBS direct can connect to it via the LRC digi-peater in Limerick . The sysop, EI2IE, would like to express his gratitude to Ken EI7DKB, who helped a lot with the setting up problems. Setting up a BBS is not easy, and having an experienced sysop at hand helped a lot.This new BBS has filled a gap in the West of Ireland as users up to now had to connect to either Cork, Tipperary or Waterford for a BBS service. ________________________________ Talk on Packet and Amateur Radio at UCC. On a recent Saturday morning, Sean EI5HE, and Tony EI9HK gave a talk on packet and on amateur radio to a group called SCUL in Univesity College Cork. They are a group organised by school students for school students and they operate under the auspices of the Computer Department of UCC. They meet in UCC on Saturday mornings and their main interest is computers. The talk last Saturday was about packet radio and the use of computers in general in our hobby. Areas covered were, packet, amtor, pactor, rtty, the tnc, the modem and winpack. The students found it very intersting and at least two of them have shown a strong interest in doing the exam and becoming future amateur operators. ________________________________ IRTS AGM & Dinner Tickets for the IRTS Annual Dinner to be held in Jurys Hotel in Ballsbridge on Saturday week, April 27th are selling well, priced at twenty two pounds. They are still available from Brendan O'Kane EI4CYB at 01-8463865. Guests at the dinner will include the usual representatives from the Department of Communications as well as the Presidents of the German National Society, DARC and the British National Society RSGB. The Annual General meeting will be held on the Sunday at the same venue starting at 1430 local. Fingal Radio Club. who are hosting the weekends activities will also be running a Radio and Electronics exhibition on the Sunday, also in Jurys Hotel in Ballsbridge. _______________________________ Shannon River Run Hopefully by now most of you will have already worked one or more of the Shannon River Run stations. Operation will conclude at 1800 local time this evening so there is still time to work those last few stations needed for the award. A total of five stations with the SRR suffix in the callsign must be worked to qualify, though any particular station can be counted more than once provided it is worked on a different band or mode. A special effort will be made by the SRR stations to call in after all the IRTS news bulletins today, after which they will QSY to their usual frequencies. Look out for them on 3670, 7070 and 14270. Some CW operation will also take place on 3570, 7007 and 14070. 2m operation is on S21. _______________________________ Items for inclusion in both the Radio News and Newsletter can be faxed to 021-632730. The Radio News Editor, John EI7DNB, can be contacted at 021-353988 in the evening and the Newsletter Editor, Dave EI4BZ is at 021- 632444 during the day and 021-883555 in the evening. Mail can be sent on packet to either EI7DNB or EI4BZ on cluster or at the EI7DKB BBS or on Internet to